Lots more

The evil twins tried to pretend they were male models for me, they weren’t very good at it. At least Blake wasnt. Max wasn’t too bad.

I figured at least they were letting me take their picture, but my lens kept getting so foggy.

I’m sure A&F is going to be calling them next week

This always means bad news

Seriously double trouble

This poor dude was sick half the time we were there. Not much of a vacay for him. He is still suffering. Took him back in today as we are nearing week 4 of this crud. Bronchitis. Back on antibiotics.

And this guy, look at that sweet sick face. He had puked a couple times this day. At this point we didn’t know he had a raging case of strep throat.

This is prob my fave pic from the trip.

They climbed the lifeguard tower…

And things got ugly with Miss Sassy

So down they came

Tried to get a group shot of the cousins


The New Jersey group

We tried to get a family shot

Cole was here

Glow stick night.

That’s it for tonight, happy weekend to everyone!

About The Author



  1. Susan/Gramma | 15th Jul 11

    OHHH! I smiled so much through all of these pictures. You did such a GOOD job capturing the moods! You are such an excellent photographer – THANK YOU SO MUCH!

  2. Susan/Gramma | 15th Jul 11

    Okay, I laughed out loud at the “Evil Twins” pics!!

  3. kathy | 16th Jul 11

    Best photos Elisa! I love them all.

  4. Nancy | 17th Jul 11

    Great shots. Your family, immediate and extended, looked like they had such a fun time. I can now see why you love Texas so much. We will have to try to make it down to Port A sometime soon. We are loving it here in Austin and have even decided to stick around here a bit longer, even after having the opportunity to move back home.

    I love reading your blog. And I completely understand about the funk you have felt lately. I have been in one too and am working to pull myself out. I hope that with the decision to stick around here will help.

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