Summer Nights

My perfect summer night. It was hot, and a trip to the pool would have been nice but I was tired after the calling hours and I didn’t think I had it in me to haul them to the pool for an hour after dinner by myself.

We see a lot of this dramatic move from the girlie when things don’t go her way.

So when Blake left for a neighborhood game of flashlight tag and sleepover, and Austin left with his buds for their evening bike riding around the hood, I decided a walk to get ice cream was in order.

And fortunately dad rolled in and joined us

A couple of ice cream cones later we walked back home. And I was reminded why I love where we live. Even after a brutal winter and non-existent Spring.

And that my friends, is a perfect summer night

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  1. Gretchen | 8th Jul 11

    love Cole’s shirt! love that everything is in walking distance, too!!

  2. Hannah | 8th Jul 11

    Love that you can just walk to get the ice cream. That is the worst thing about where I live…I can’t even go for a walk on our crazy winding country roads. It does sound like a very perfect way to end the night 🙂

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