My husband makes the best guacamole. Seriously. And I didn’t even like guac until last year.
But now we eat it all the time. And it is so stinkin’ good.
And because I am nice, I will share it with you 🙂
2 avacados
1/2 red bell pepper, finely chopped
2 teaspoons red pepper flakes
1/2 teaspoon course sea salt
1 teaspoon garlic pepper
a little diced cilantro
fresh lime juice from half a lime
Mix it all up and CHILL
Eva says make some tonight!
Penny | 26th May 10
Not a fan of guacamole. But a huge fan of Eva! Love the butterfly clips in her hair.
Andy's mom | 27th May 10
I think Andy must have inherited his ability and willingness to cook from his sisters. Certainly not from me.