A New Chapter

Shortly after Oakley passed last Fall we decided to get on the wait list with two of the top breeders in North Carolina. We were hoping to give our hearts time to heal a bit and then bring home a puppy Spring of 2025. The idea was not to wait too long since Hudson is already 10 and we wanted him “young” enough to still play.

In early December we got a message from one of them asking if we wanted to be bumped up the list as their latest litter had an extra boy that they weren’t expecting. The date they could come home was on my birthday 1/18/2025

It didn’t take us long to decide YES and we got the ball rolling to bring home Hudsons new brother.

Our family really really needed something to look forward to. Between Oakley dying and the beach house burning down it has been a tough few months. Well make that years.

This was exactly what we needed. And to be honest it is what has gotten me through the holiday season.

I’m still so incredible sad about Oakley. I cry pretty much every day.

I am also devastated about the beach house that we worked so hard for and was always my dream….just like that was taken away.

This puppy has some mighty big goofy shoes to fill

But we cannot wait to welcome him home.

One more week!!!!

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