What to do with all that Basil…

Make Pesto!

Our Basil plants went crazy this year (and honestly they are still growing despite their recent haircut) so we decided to make (and freeze) a bunch of pesto. It was so easy.

I wasn’t sure if the Mason jars that we have are freezer safe so I went ahead and bought some new ones. Plus I wanted a smaller portion size since it is just Andy and I that eat pasta with pesto these days.

How cute are these little jars??

The recipe was simple

  • 4 cups packed Basil
  • 1/2 cup pine nuts
  • 1 cup olive oil
  • 1/2 cup parmesan cheese
  • salt and pepper

I made 2 batches (so 8 cups of Basil total)

That filled 10 of the small jars. We used one for dinner and into the freezer went the rest. Plan to do another round before the basil is done for the season.

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