
We started May still at the beach. I love this time of year when it’s not super hot yet but getting warmer each day. It’s prefect for reading books on the porch and enjoying the ocean breezes

Heading home is never our favorite part but it sure is a lot easier to go home to Chapel Hill than to make the haul back to Ohio like we used to do.

When we got back home Andy and I enjoyed a date night in Raleigh and went to see The Foo Fighters again.

Always a good show!

The cats now do fine going back and forth between home and the beach. It’s so crazy to think about when we first took them in a few years ago. It took along time to get to the point we are now and we can’t imagine not having them

The dogs say get off my bed!

We have been going round and round with tests on Oakley to find out why he is anemic. The vet thought it was cancer. It was a scary week waiting for his ultrasound on his spleen.

I cried a lot and Eva sent me texts to cheer me up


His ultrasound showed no cancer on his spleen. We still don’t know what is wrong but that was such good news

We took some time to walk around the North Carolina Botanical Garden. It’s right by our house and we really don’t go there enough.

The tomatoes started growing like crazy. These cherry tomatoes always do really well

We took a long weekend to go up to NYC so Eva could visit her sister Grace. We walked around Brooklyn, got some coffee, and enjoyed just hanging out with her family.

The inside of this hotel was so cool

We went out to dinner the last night we were there with the gang

We Facetimed to Cleveland kiddos. Austin ran the Cleveland marathon that day

Then we headed back to North Carolina. The animals were happy to see us

Gearing up for a Summer in the pool

Always good to be back home

We wrapped up the month with a Memorial Day cookout and cat (of course) cake

We found a turtle in our garage and put him down by the creek in our backyard.

And that wraps up May!

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