A good day and a not so good day

Yesterday we went to the Franklin Park Conservancy to check out the butterfly exhibit.

Andy was about to leave to a conference for the next 4 days and we wanted to do something as a family.


The Chuhily art is always impressive.


Austin’s Spring Break was nearing an end and it was nice to get out of house after lots of cold days.


Cole was so into figuring out how to make this work. Future engineer.


Eva was so into this little fairy exhibit but because she could touch any of it- well it was absolute torture for her. The boys kept laughing because why temp little kids with this perfect little play stuff- but they cant touch. It seriously made her crazy. We couldn’t even walk through the whole part. We had to move on.


So we went on to the butterfly exhibit. So cool


They had just released butterflies out- they were flying everywhere. But Eva was going crazy. She wanted one to land on her.


And then a couple landed on me. This did not go over well.


Thankfully there was a very nice girl that helped us move this butterfly from my hand to Eva’s.



Today was a little harder. Lots of big life stuff bearing down on me. And single parenting. Here’s hoping tomorrow is better!

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  1. Gretchen Poulson | 20th Mar 17

    I can’t get over how grown up Cole looks! Time slow down! Single parenting can be hard, sending hugs! Hope the days fly by while Andy is gone.

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