Well sorta. I’m sitting here with a cup of coffee and a rowdy puppy.
This is the first quiet morning we have had around here in a bit, although my kids are all off school today. 3 are still sleeping and one is at a sleepover. For some reason there is a teacher workday. Eva still has school so at least I will be able to get some errands in- Cole starts cotillion tomorrow night and he has no clothes or shoes. I’m sure he is going to love shopping with his Mama for dress up clothes.
My 365 has been all iPhone so far but that’s ok- no rules this year.
Poor Eva- she is one tough girlie.
My two goofballs.
Spent all day yesterday working on getting this put together. We did this room first, and then it flooded and had to have walls ripped back out. Andy worked hard over the break to lay the floor. Originally this was going to be more kids space (we put in a full kitchen) but when we decided to give my studio space to Cole we decided to move it to this space. The kids have the carpeted side that has the fireplace and full bath.
Here is the other half of the space
Yep- I think I will be happy working in that space. SO much left to do to get it put together. Off to get things done. Happy Monday!
Hannah | 5th Jan 15
I’m glad you aren’t setting rules for your 365…I’m still not trying one this year though! I am planning on doing a few picture a day for a month..but not this month.
Love the studio! You are going to love the cart…I LOVE ours. Sophia’s art stuff is in it so I can just roll it over to her and let her go to town. But of course she has too much so I might grab another one.
elizabeths | 5th Jan 15
wow so jealous you have such a nice basement. My son the 17yr old is occupying our basement for now. We are clearly running out of room in our tiny home. Enjoy the new space can’t wait to see the other side. It will be great to cozy up by the fireplace on cold nights.