Austin asked me that last night. At 9pm, on the way home from his cold, muddy, rainy lacrosse game. I promise this post won’t be another about how sucktastic our weather is. Oh wait- let me add that we are not supposed to get out of the 40’s today. Ok that’s it. Because it could be worse.
I don’t have a lot of pics to share- just some left-overs from the park last week. I have taken more, just haven’t downloaded them yet.
I have a sad sick little boy home today- his croupy cough is loud and painful. There will be lots of snuggle time on the couch on this cold icky day. Eva seems to have kicked her cold already.
I am guessing that his lax will be canceled tonight, which is good since he is too sick to go.
My hibernation continues.
Feel better little man
Angie | 3rd May 11
I feel your pain. Its been cold and crappy here too. We did get to see the sun for about 3 days and now its gone again 🙁 I’m beginning to think it will never warm up. We are supposed to go to the tulip festival this weekend in Pella IA and I hope to god it isn’t raining.
ginky | 3rd May 11
Feel better soon Coley, we love you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Hannah | 4th May 11
I think it actually supposed to be dry here today. Crossing my fingers!